DPF & Induction Cleaning

DPF cleaning services in Bristol

If you are looking for DPF cleaning experts in Bristol, you can rely on our experienced and qualified mechanics at PD Cars (Bristol). Don't hesitate to call us today to find out more about our range of services.

Is your DPF blocked?

The DPF, also known as the diesel particulate filter is a filter found in almost all modern diesel cars. A properly functioning DPF  burns all the particulates and converts them into ash and helps to lower the soot emissions of your vehicle. The burnt ash, however, can accumulate over time building up and blocking your DPF. If you see a warning light appearing on your dashboard, get in touch with our experts today.

Based in Bristol, we are also known for our MOT testing, car diagnostics, air conditioning repairs, and tyre fitting services.
We clean diesel particulate filter

Choose our DPF cleaning services for

  • Diesel particulate filter cleaning
  • Competitive prices
  • Advanced cleaning techniques
  • Improving the efficiency of your vehicle
  • Free quotes

What is Induction Cleaning?

Both diesel and petrol cars suffer from carbon build-up in their air intake and EGR system. The induction cleaning service reduces this build-up and increases car performance and torque; which results in more power, better mpg, and smoother drive. 
Choose our DPF cleaning services for diesel particulate filter cleaning

What is Induction Cleaning?

Both diesel and petrol cars suffer from carbon build-up in their air intake and EGR system. The induction cleaning service reduces this build-up and increases car performance and torque; which results in more power, better mpg, and smoother drive. 
PD Cars (Bristol) offers quality DPF cleaning. Call us on
0117 908 2225 or 07831 611 887
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